Approved Advisor Elysia Ren


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: Elysia Ren

Role: Elysia serves as the Advisor and personal confidant of Darth Fauste. Her word carries a lot of weight with the Sith Lord and prevents Lyanna from crossing lines that she will later regret.

- Physical Description: Elysia is a fifty-two-year-old Echani woman with the characteristic silvery-white hair and pale skin of her people. Her hair is usually kept in a sleek, practical style that frames her face, emphasizing her striking silver eyes that convey both wisdom and intensity. She is of average height with a lean, athletic build, reflecting a lifetime of rigorous training and combat proficiency.

A distinguishing feature is a small, thin scar that runs from her left eyebrow to her cheek, a remnant of a training accident from her youth. The scar, though faint with age, adds a touch of ruggedness to her otherwise graceful appearance. Elysia's expressions often appear serene and composed, but there's a depth to her gaze that hints at the complexities of her past and the strength of her character.

Elysia Ren typically dresses in traditional Echani combat attire, which is both functional and elegant. She often wears a fitted, sleeveless tunic in shades of white or light grey, made from lightweight, durable fabric that allows for ease of movement. This tunic is complemented by form-fitting trousers that are reinforced at the knees and shins for extra protection during combat.

Over her tunic, she dons a light, flexible chest piece that offers additional protection without hindering her agility. Her attire includes a belt adorned with various pouches and compartments for carrying small tools and weapons. Elysia's boots are sturdy, reaching just below the knee, and are designed for both combat and long periods of travel.

She also wears bracers on her forearms, intricately designed with Echani patterns, which serve both a protective and ceremonial purpose. In colder weather, she might add a cloak or a long coat with a high collar, made from a material that provides warmth without sacrificing mobility.

Elysia’s overall appearance is a blend of practicality and the distinct, elegant style of her Echani heritage, with her attire reflecting her warrior spirit and her dedication to her culture's martial traditions.
- Equipment:
Elysia, as a seasoned Echani warrior, would carry a variety of equipment and items suited to her expertise and lifestyle:

Echani Vibroblades: Lightweight and razor-sharp, these melee weapons are a staple of Echani combat, designed for close-quarters fighting.

Blaster Pistol: A reliable sidearm for ranged combat, kept in a holster on her belt for easy access.

Combat Knives: Concealed in her boots or strapped to her forearms, these knives serve as backup weapons or tools.

Utility Belt: Equipped with pouches and compartments for carrying essentials such as:
- Medkit: Containing basic medical supplies like bacta patches, antiseptics, and pain relievers.
- Comlink: For communication with allies or receiving mission updates.
- Thermal Detonators: Small explosive devices for tactical situations.
- Data Pad: Used for accessing information, maps, and mission briefings.
- Nutrient Capsules: Compact food rations for sustenance during long missions.

Wrist-Mounted Datapad: A compact device for quick access to information, communication, and hacking interfaces.

Grappling Hook: For climbing or securing lines in difficult terrain, often integrated into her belt or bracers.

Flashlight: Small and powerful, attached to her belt for use in low-light environments.

Cloak or Travel Cape: Made from a durable material, this can be used for additional concealment or protection against the elements.

- History:
Elysia Ren was born on Eshan, the homeworld of the Echani, into a prominent family known for their martial prowess and dedication to Echani traditions. From a young age, Elysia was immersed in the rigorous training that defined her people's way of life. Her parents, both esteemed warriors, instilled in her the importance of discipline, honor, and the mastery of combat.

Early Life and Training: Elysia excelled in her training, demonstrating exceptional skill in hand-to-hand combat and proficiency with various weapons, particularly the Echani vibroblades. She formed a close bond with Lyanna, another young warrior from a respected family. The two trained together, pushing each other to new heights and developing a deep, lifelong friendship. In their late teens, their relationship briefly blossomed into romance, but their paths eventually diverged as they pursued their individual destinies.

The Scar and Turning Point: During an intense training session, Elysia suffered a significant injury—a cut from a sparring match that left a scar running from her left eyebrow to her cheek. This incident became a turning point for Elysia, deepening her resolve to become a master of her craft. The scar, a constant reminder of her dedication and the dangers of their art, fueled her determination to perfect her skills and teach others.

Years of Service: Elysia's abilities did not go unnoticed, and she was soon recruited into the Echani Command, an elite unit responsible for protecting their people and conducting covert operations. Over the years, Elysia participated in numerous missions, from quelling uprisings to safeguarding key diplomatic envoys. Her strategic mind and combat expertise earned her a reputation as one of the most reliable and formidable warriors of her generation.

Personal Loss and Growth: Elysia faced significant personal losses during her service, including the death of her younger brother in a skirmish with an outside force. This tragedy tested her resilience but also strengthened her commitment to her people. She became a mentor to younger Echani, passing on her knowledge and ensuring that the next generation would be prepared for the challenges ahead.

Present Day: In her early fifties, Elysia's life took an unexpected turn when Lyanna, now a prominent figure in the Starborn Sect of the Sith Order, sought her out. Despite Elysia's lack of Force sensitivity, Lyanna recognized her friend's unparalleled strategic mind, combat skills, and the depth of their bond. Lyanna offered Elysia a position as her advisor, valuing her counsel and experience.

Initially hesitant to align with a Sith faction, Elysia ultimately accepted, driven by her trust in Lyanna and a desire to protect her friend from the potential dangers of Sith politics. Her role as Lyanna's advisor involves strategic planning, training Sith acolytes in martial combat, and providing a non-Force-sensitive perspective on various matters.

Elysia’s presence in the Starborn Sect brings a unique dynamic, blending Echani martial tradition with the Sith's dark, enigmatic nature. She is respected and sometimes feared by the Sith acolytes for her no-nonsense approach and formidable combat skills. Elysia’s wisdom and guidance have become invaluable to Lyanna, helping her navigate the complex and often treacherous landscape of the Sith Order.

The scar on Elysia's face, once a mark of youthful recklessness, now serves as a symbol of her journey and resilience, a testament to her strength and adaptability in even the most unforeseen circumstances.
- Motivations:
Elysia Ren is driven by a deep sense of loyalty and duty. Her primary motivation is to protect and support Lyanna, who she sees not just as an old friend but as someone she deeply cares for. Elysia is also motivated by the desire to preserve the Echani martial traditions, integrating their principles of honor and discipline within the Starborn Sect. She believes in the importance of teaching and guiding the next generation, whether they are Echani warriors or Sith acolytes, and is dedicated to passing on her knowledge and skills.

Elysia's immediate goal is to help Lyanna solidify her position within the Sith Order, ensuring her safety and influence. She aims to serve as a trusted advisor, using her strategic acumen to aid Lyanna in navigating the complexities of Sith politics. Long-term, Elysia seeks to establish a legacy where the values and combat techniques of the Echani are respected and preserved, even within the dark and often ruthless environment of the Sith Order. She also aspires to foster a sense of discipline and honor among the Sith acolytes she trains, hoping to temper some of their more chaotic impulses.

On a personal level, Elysia desires a sense of belonging and purpose. Having spent much of her life in service to her people, she now finds fulfillment in her new role alongside Lyanna. She yearns for the deep connection and camaraderie she shares with Lyanna, cherishing their renewed bond. Elysia also desires to see her people, the Echani, respected and their traditions honored, even in places far from Eshan. Despite her stern exterior, she holds a quiet hope for a future where the strength of her heritage can coexist with the power dynamics of the Sith.

Elysia's greatest fear is losing Lyanna to the darker aspects of the Sith Order. She worries that the constant exposure to Sith politics and the allure of power might corrupt her friend beyond recognition. Elysia also fears the potential consequences of her own involvement with the Sith, particularly the risk of her Echani values being overshadowed or forgotten. She is apprehensive about failing in her role as an advisor, concerned that any misstep could endanger both Lyanna and herself. Additionally, Elysia harbors a deep-seated fear of being alone and without purpose, a remnant of the losses she has endured over her lifetime.

- Traits: Elysia Ren is a composed and confident presence, embodying the disciplined warrior ethos of her Echani heritage. Her calm and controlled demeanor reflects the rigorous training and combat experience that have defined her life. With a pragmatic and no-nonsense attitude, Elysia approaches challenges strategically, valuing efficiency and directness in her actions and communication. She is even-tempered, maintaining her composure under stress, though she is fiercely protective and determined when it comes to the safety and well-being of those she cares about, particularly Lyanna.

In her interpersonal relations, Elysia is reserved and cautious, preferring to observe and evaluate new acquaintances before fully engaging. However, once she commits to a relationship, she is deeply loyal and reliable, marked by a sense of respect and fairness. Her advice and opinions are highly valued by those who know her, and her presence commands respect. Elysia’s strengths lie in her strategic mind, combat expertise, and unwavering loyalty. She excels as a mentor and advisor, always able to see the bigger picture and plan accordingly, embodying a blend of stoicism and underlying warmth that she reveals to those who earn her trust and respect.
- Interactions: Elysia Ren's interactions with people are marked by a reserved and discerning approach. She carefully observes and evaluates new acquaintances, preferring to understand their intentions and capabilities before fully engaging. This cautiousness has earned her a reputation for wisdom and reliability among those who know her well. In her relationships, Elysia is deeply loyal and protective, particularly towards Lyanna, with whom she shares a profound bond stemming from their lifelong friendship and past romance. Her loyalty extends to her allies within the Starborn Sect, where she serves as a trusted advisor. However, her no-nonsense attitude and high standards can sometimes lead to conflicts, especially with those who do not share her disciplined approach or who underestimate her because she is not Force-sensitive. Elysia navigates these conflicts with a blend of strategic patience and direct confrontation when necessary, often resolving disputes through her composed and fair demeanor. Her alliances are built on mutual respect and trust, and she values honesty and integrity in her interactions. While her stern exterior might be intimidating, those who earn her respect find a steadfast and compassionate ally in Elysia, whose counsel and support are unwavering.

- Skills:
Hand-to-Hand Combat: Mastery of Echani martial arts, emphasizing agility, precision, and fluid movements.

Vibroblade Proficiency: Expert in the use of Echani vibroblades, excelling in both offensive and defensive techniques.

Blaster Pistol Marksmanship: Skilled in ranged combat, with a focus on accuracy and quick-draw techniques.

Strategic Planning: Strong strategic mind, capable of devising detailed and effective plans for various missions and conflicts.

Tactical Analysis: Ability to assess situations quickly and accurately, making informed decisions in high-pressure scenarios.

Mentorship and Training: Experienced mentor, adept at teaching and guiding both Echani warriors and Sith acolytes in martial skills and discipline.

Leadership: Natural leader, respected for her fairness, decisiveness, and ability to inspire loyalty and respect in others.

Stealth and Infiltration: Proficient in covert operations, including stealth maneuvers and infiltration techniques.

Survival Skills: Knowledgeable in survival tactics, including navigation, foraging, and first aid.

Diplomacy: Skilled in negotiation and diplomacy, able to navigate complex social and political landscapes.

Physical Conditioning: Peak physical fitness, ensuring endurance, strength, and agility in various combat and non-combat situations.

Multilingualism: Fluent in several languages, including Basic and Echani, facilitating communication across different cultures and groups.

Cultural Knowledge: Deep understanding of Echani culture and traditions, as well as the broader galaxy's political and social dynamics.

- Weaknesses:
Non-Force Sensitivity: Lacks the Force sensitivity of many within the Sith Order, limiting her ability to directly manipulate the Force or sense its presence, making her vulnerable to Force-based attacks or manipulations.

Emotional Attachments: Elysia's deep emotional attachment to Lyanna and her allies can be exploited by adversaries, potentially leading to rash decisions or compromises in judgment.

Limited Force Defense: Although trained in combat and tactics, Elysia lacks the Force-enhanced defenses of Force-sensitive individuals, making her more susceptible to certain Force abilities, such as mind tricks or telekinesis.

Physical Fatigue: Despite her peak physical conditioning, prolonged physical exertion can fatigue Elysia, affecting her combat effectiveness and decision-making abilities.

Overconfidence: Elysia's confidence in her abilities can sometimes border on overconfidence, leading her to underestimate opponents or overlook potential threats.

Blaster Vulnerability: While skilled with a blaster pistol, Elysia's proficiency in ranged combat is not as formidable as her expertise in melee combat, making her more vulnerable at longer ranges.

Stubbornness: Elysia's adherence to her own principles and beliefs can sometimes make her stubborn or resistant to compromise, potentially hindering diplomatic efforts or alliances.

Limited Force Resistance: While trained to resist mental manipulation and deception, Elysia's lack of Force sensitivity means she is less adept at defending against Force-based attacks or coercion.

Isolationism: Elysia's strong ties to Echani culture and traditions may lead her to prioritize the interests of her people over broader galactic concerns, potentially isolating her from allies or hindering cooperation.

Age: Despite her experience and expertise, Elysia's age may eventually lead to physical decline or diminished reflexes, impacting her effectiveness in combat.

Morality Conflict: Serving within the Sith Order may bring about conflicts of morality and ethics for Elysia, challenging her values and forcing her to make difficult decisions.

- Allies: Starborn Sect, Lyanna Starborn - Darth Fauste, Lieutenant Sariah Voss, Ensign Tali’ra Korr
- Enemies/Rivals: Obsidian Court, Darth Malvus
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